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CHAI Celebration & Kitchen Plus Renovation

Making Challah


Celebrate our Rabbi

Town Hall and Auction on Hanukkah: “Stand up for Rabbi Liza!”
Sunday, December 13 at 6 pm.

Click here for the list of auction items and winning bidders!

And view the new kitchen plans and renderings here:

Pledge for our kitchen
We want to give our rabbi and our community the kitchen we need to grow and thrive. As the rabbis say: “Without Bread, No Torah.”

But before we can renovate the kitchen, we need to replace the roof!

Honor Rabbi Liza with a pledge to the Kitchen Plus Fund.

Kitchen Menschen
Our children can earn money to contribute toward the kitchen by pledging to do household work or other chores. Download the Kitchen Menschen pledge form. Questions? Contact Anne Kalis at

Post a tribute
When did Rabbi Liza make a difference in your life, or the life of your family, your community or your organization? This is your chance to tell her with a photo and a message. SHHHH! The Rabbi will not see this until Hanukkah—please keep all content quiet. 

What will you cook in the kitchen?
See recipes from Eitz Chayim’s best bakers and chefs, as they dream about how they will bring our community together in the new kitchen.

Launch on Sukkot
We did the impossible—we surprised Rabbi Liza with a joy-filled parade past her house while four generations of her family celebrated Sukkot in their yard.  Click here to see images of the more than 30 cars full of EC love that joined the parade.


Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784