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Shabbat Services

We gather on Shabbat for an egalitarian and inclusive service led by Rabbi Stern or lay leaders from the congregation. We use a non-denominational prayer book that contains both traditional and contemporary Hebrew text, English transliterations of many Hebrew prayers, and contemporary English translations.


Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat

Combining Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv prayers, worship lasts for about an hour, followed by Kiddush and a brief oneg (refreshments).  We extend an ongoing invitation to join with community members for Friday night dinner (at a local restaurant) following the oneg.

Services begin at 7:00pm year-round.

The first Friday of each month, services are held on Zoom. Please contact for the link if you wish to join.


Friday Night Tot Shabbat 

The Rabbi leads brief monthly family-friendly services geared towards our youngest congregants, introducing them to the celebration of Shabbat through story, song and prayer. Services are followed by an oneg and pizza dinner for all.

Tot Shabbat is generally on the third Friday of each month at 6:00pm.


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785