Our School
Our School
Eitz Chayim Religious School – Sunday Mornings 10:00am to 1:00pm
Vision for congregational learning at Eitz Chayim
A compelling and engaging program providing learners with the knowledge of Jewish beliefs, values and practices that will enable them to live full and joyful Jewish lives, find relevance in Judaism to the life issues they confront, and pass on their understanding of and commitment to Jewish tradition and the Jewish people to future generations.
Click here for the Student Registration form for 2024-2025. Although the form is available only to members, new families can have 1 year of free membership. Please contact the Eitz Chayim Educator, Anne Kalis, at eitzeducator@gmail.com.
Core Values of the Learning Program
- The program will be reflective of and integrated with the life, values and culture of Eitz Chayim Congregation.
- The program will intentionally create a sense of community for learners and their families.
- The program will strive to create a sense of inclusiveness.
- The program will emphasize learning activities that are experiential, engaging and meaningful.
Structure of the Learning
- 10:00-10:45am – Community Gathering (With Rabbi, Students & Families)
- 10:45-11:45am – Cohort Learning Activity
- 11:45-12:00pm – Snack & Break
- 12:00-1:00pm – Cohort Learning Activity
Family Education
Each cohort will have 1-2 Family Education programs and 2 Learner's Services per year, one in the fall and one in the spring. The family education program will be tied to the particular curriculum of the cohort in question. Parents and students are required to attend.
- Rabbi Liza Stern – rabbiliza@gmail.com
- Educator Anne Kalis – EitzEducator@gmail.com
- Administrator Sophia Giordano – ecoffice@eitz.org
- EC Office Phone: 617-497-7626
Q: Do you offer classes for Toddlers?
A: Yes! We want to provide a positive experience for younger children and we have lots of fun activities planned for this age group. We offer a Toddler class from 10:00am-11:30am. This group would meet approximately once per month.
Q: Do you offer classes for PreK or Junior K?
A: If we have at least 3 children enrolled, we will offer a Preschool class from 10:00am-12:00pm. Otherwise, your child can be included in our Kindergarten class and have the choice to stay until 1:00 or get picked up at 12:00.
Q: How do I avoid 2 pick-up times if I have a Preschooler and an older child enrolled in Sunday school?
A: For a nominal fee, your preschooler can engage in supervised play from 12:00-1:00pm.
Q: Do you have to be an EC member to enroll in Sunday school?
A: If you know any non-member families who might be interested in this program, please encourage them to contact the office at 617-497-7626 or ecoffice@eitz.org.
Q: As a parent, how involved will I be?
A: We always encourage parents to be as involved as they like. At a minimum, we ask that each family participate in the family education programs and 2 Learner's Services we will hold each year, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Q: My children have already become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. How can they stay involved?
A: We would love to have your teen participate in our Ozrim program! Ozrim means assistant/helper. As an Ozer, your teen is expected to attend the community gathering and be a role model to the younger students. They assist in classroom teaching and help to lead activities. From 12:00-1:00pm, they will enjoy their own space while hanging out, getting a bite to eat, and engaging in meaningful discussions led by one of our teachers. Even better, Ozrim will get paid for their time on the job!
Q: What are the prices for the different programs?
A: The prices for 2023-2024 are as follows:
- Toddler program -- $325
- Preschool program -- $650
- Preschool program with additional hour -- $850
- Sunday program (K-4), oldest child -- $1,300
- Sunday program (K-4), younger sibling -- $1,090
- B'nai Mitzvah program (Grades 5-7) oldest child -- $1,900
- B'nai Mitzvah program (Grades 5-7) younger sibling -- $1,635
- Ozrim program (post B'nai Mitzvah) -- $775
We welcome all members' children in the school regardless of ability to pay. If the cost of tuition presents a serious financial hardship, we offer a sliding scale payment option. Please see the registration form for details.
Sun, September 8 2024
5 Elul 5784
COVID-19 Guidelines
For all in-person gatherings, please carefully review our Covid-19 guidelines.
Today's Calendar
Upcoming Programs & Events
Sep 8 |
Sep 15 |
Sep 27 |
Sep 28 |
Oct 2 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Teitzei
Shabbat, Sep 14 |
Erev Rosh Hashana
Wednesday, Oct 2 |